Experience research that provides the ‘Y’

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Data-Driven Article Subscriptions

Insights in the form of scholarly articles, published bi-monthly to the Quantif Substack.

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Research Consultancy

Transform raw data into actionable strategies with economic and global political research consultancy, where our team of experts will create scientific peer-reviewed papers to root cause, explain the ‘y’, and provide sustainable recommendations.

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The Idea

Quantif was born specifically to answer the question ‘Where does it all connect?’. Studying papers from both the public and private industries, we recognized that multi-variate problems are consistently diluted to single-cause explanations. Even when authors attempt to include context, it often comes from a specific world-view or experience, following a straight line of logic to an easily distilled conclusion. We saw an opportunity to create a better class of research, utilizing a team of experts with a wide suite of experience and industries. An opportunity to create quantifiable information that can be trusted to understand every factor leading to an event, be it black swan, or predictable occurrence.


The Difference

Quantif publishes ideas that cross continents, industries, and doctrines to holistically and definitively root cause current events and forecast future ones. We employ a unique editorial process, combining mathematical rigor with behavioral sciences. Every paper and article published undergoes three review cycles: First, two industry experts review it, one from the actual industry in question, and another from a secondary, but potentially impacted market. Second, an editor specialized in quantitative analysis reviews the data to identify any logical flaws or potential conclusions overlooked. Finally, an editor specialized in humanistic behavior reviews it to understand how the information presented matches with psychological theories and expectations. Our combination of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ data allows us a unique perspective on global events, providing a noticeable difference in ability to explain events and forecast future consequences. At Quantif, we provide the ‘Y’.

Gain Insights with Quantif

Experience well-informed economic and global political research tailored for online and direct publication. Reach out to us to discover how we can work together.